In a heart-wrenching incident on Saturday, Adekunle, a University of Lagos undergraduate, tragically lost his life to an armed robbery. According to reports from PUNCH Metro, Adekunle and his fellow student, Opeyemi, were on their way from Yaba to UNILAG in a shuttle bus when a man hanging at the back of the vehicle forcefully seized Opeyemi’s iPhone 7 plus.
Police Commence Investigation
In a heartbreaking scene, Adekunle, wearing a black top and trousers, was captured in a photograph lying lifeless on the ground at the crime scene. Subsequently, the police arrived and promptly removed Adekunle’s body, transporting it to the morgue at Mainland Hospital.
Confirming the incident, the Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, disclosed that the command had initiated an investigation to apprehend the suspects responsible for the attack. He further stated that the victim’s relatives had been contacted, and the case had been transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID), Panti, for a thorough inquiry.
When approached for comment, the spokesperson for UNILAG, Adejoke Alaga-Ibrahim, declined to provide a statement over the phone. Instead, she requested a formal request via email to the communication unit or suggested visiting the university to speak with the Dean of Students Affairs.
This tragic incident has left the UNILAG community and the wider public deeply saddened, and efforts are underway to ensure justice is served and the culprits are brought to book.