What is wrong with the black race Chinese not our problem

We should look for solutions not blaming the Chinese. Nigerian crude oil is been taken from Nigeria, Chiana didn’t just come to Nigeria they were invited. According to the Nigerian government the governance of these states signed and said it is ok. The Chinese didn’t appear magically to Africa they came legally to an incompetence Race. A race that they are just blabbing.

Have u seen any Chinese Activist talking or giving speeches like Barack Obama, Talk is cheap.
If you can’t build a tooth pick factory or any meaningful thing for ones self y country then it makes no sense.
You are only interested in the bleaching creams, fake Brazilian hair, cloth and expensive life which all is vanity.
Africa leaders from Ghana,Kenya and others have Western education degrees from various prominent institutions such as Cambridge and the likes.
The Chinese man don’t have such exposure.
The Question to be asked is how come the Chinese are functioning well than the African countries and leaders with there degrees are not?
You give a Chinese man 50,000 dollars a rice farmer and in 3 years he makes 20 million dollars or even more in three years he is richer than a Ghanian PHD holder.
A report have proven that a Chinese who doesn’t know how to read and write he functions of well than a PHD holder, he will hierer Africans people to guard him even pay them to escort him while he mines and ship back gold to China.
This is someone who has no education is 20 million dollars richer in his country.
This is to show how stupid our leaders are.
All wealth our Nigerian leaders have they pack them all to a Swiss bank account millions, buy houses, land helicopters,Jets and the likes money been used in buying all this can be used to develop constituencies and provide jobs for it’s youth.
This is not about hating the Chinese it’s about examining ourselves.
When u give a Monkey banana he shares the banana among his clan, he doesn’t give it to margots and later go to beg from the Margot.
Even Africa pastors with fake prophesies buy range roveryand the likes instead of developing there locality they prefer spending money on vanity.
Mother’s what kind of womb do you carry that when you give birth you don’t put your children aright you have to wake y not leaving lives of vanity.
We put a black man for eight years in the white house he promoted same sex marriage and all abominables , now America thinks they have multiple genders instead of two.
Iran benefited from it’s presidency more than Africans.
China is not the problem.