
What you need to do to make money

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Do you always wonder why you are always broke or just surviving with a meagre sum of money all the time?
For some strange reason, money never seems to come your way and when it does, it’s either not enough for your needs or you don’t even know what you did with it. Many of those times, you wish you could actually have more money than you do.
If this is you, then continue reading.
I will tell you one simple truth right now; money is never a product of wishes. Ever heard of the idiom, “if wishes were horses”? if money were a product of wishes, there would be no single poor soul in the world today, as everyone would be rich beyond imagination – all you have to do is just wish.
The easy and simple answer to the question of why you never have or make enough money is that you either do not give enough value, if any, or you have not understood the business aspect of whatever you do.
The former seems to be the more prevalent issue and I will explain.
A lot of you think you can have money by just wishing it into existence but the truth is that you have to deliver some kind of value for you to actually earn money. Nothing is free in Freetown!
Let’s say you code for example and you’re a badass coder but if you don’t offer that service, if you don’t offer value, you will not make any money and will continue to remain poor.
You wonder why you have so many skills but not enough to translate into money. Learning a skill is not enough to make you money. You can have a skill and still go broke. Those who make real money from their skills and talents are those who understand the business side of their skills. Those are people that can honourably make a career out of their hobby.
The game is fast changing. The future of work is crystal clear. Even those who have white-collar jobs are looking for other streams of income. That is to tell you money is never enough. I know a lecturer who anchors public events as MC. He charges 50K to host an event. He went further training people in public speaking for a fee.
As the day goes by, more millionaires will be raised through the leverage of social media by people who have learned to position themselves by learning in-demand skills and creating for themselves a workable system that will allow them to be more productive and effective.
Don’t ask “Who will give me money to start that business?” or “Where can I get the money?” Rather ask “to whom or where can I add VALUE?” Money is waiting for you at the other end of adding value to people.
There are so many ways to sell online without sounding like a salesperson.
MONEY is an exchange for VALUE. Create a solution to people’s problem. Do for people what they can’t do for themselves and watch your account grow. Give out valuable solutions to people’s problems.
All around you, are needs begging for solutions. Some of them are things you do with ease daily for free. To you, it is just what you love to do. It is your passion. What if I tell you, that you can make a business idea out of your passion? Yes, you heard me right! You can also build a business around your career.
Learn a skill, perfect your craft and sell yourself. You can work in boxers at the confine of your room and make money legitimately online. Be intentional!

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