Why do the US hate Ngozi Okonjo Iweala so much?

By Dr. Austin Maho

The United States is unrelenting in its avowed determination in blocking the  possibility  of Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala,  Nigeria’s former coordinating minister of the economy from occupying the top position  of  director-general of the World Trade Organisation. 

Recently  the United States again threw a spanner into the possibility of her emergence  by suggesting that the race be reopened. In other word, the race that produced Okonjo Iweala be cancelled and a fresh one conducted. 

This shocking proposition was made by US  Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer, who also said that  an experienced hand is needed for the high profile job of DG, WTO. 

Lighthizer, who was speaking to the BBC said the job is for “someone with real experience in trade, not someone from the World Bank or a development person. ”an obvious reference to Okonjo Iweala who has already secured over 90 percent endorsement by member countries of the WTO and set  to become the first African and woman to head the body. 

The US is still kicking irrespective of the fact that Okonjo-Iweala had gotten  the backing of 110 out of 164 member countries,  the US is the only country standing between her and the job
Following the lack of a consensus, the WTO had postponed the general council meeting to consider the appointment of a new DG till further notice.

The new position by the US as stated by Lightizer confirms that there is no way the Trump administration  would be persuaded to back Iweala in its remaining weeks in office.
He said the WTO is “massively in need of reform”, especially its dispute-resolving appellate body, which according to him, has evolved into a body creating a common law of trade, “taking away benefits” that members had negotiated for “ and putting a restraint on things that had been conceded”.

The truth of the matter however is that the  appellate body of the WTO has been rendered inactive by Donald Trump’s administration vetoing the appointment of new judges and its unilateral trade war with China and other Western countries including Canada. 
Iweala’s fate may at the end of the day lie on the incoming administration of Joe Biden however  the US president-elect has not  made any statement about  his preference.

Be that as it may the truth remains that the US is playing self preservation politics, in line with the Trump administration’s America first policy. 
The US Trade Representative says “due process” has not been followed in her emergence. How ridiculous can this be?  This is an outright lie been told to continue to push its hidden agenda which is to block by all means the emergence of Iweala.

It is gratifying that other member countries of the WTO have stood their grounds and Continue to support the Nigerian candidate irrespective of the blackmail and  bullying of the United state.

The US also says the WTO needs someone with “real, hands-on experience in the field.” Everyone else is convinced that Dr. Okonjo-Iweala is eminently qualified apart from the US who has a separate definition of real or hands on  experience.

Even the south Korean candidate being pushed by the US is not as qualified as Iweala who has headed global financial institutions and is on the board of several others.

The United States is only trying to single handedly  railroad other countries into doing its bidding and having its way.
As noted earlier  this position  of the US has more to do with its trade war with China than the qualification of the candidates.
What the US wants is a candidate that would hanker to its bidding at all times hence its support for the South Korean candidate. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala is a thorough breed professional who may not do the bidding of the US as a result of her professionalism and independence of mind. It is not surprising that the US is very uncomfortable with her emergence.

Recall also that before now US  President  Donald Trump  had described the WTO as “horrible” and too partial to China. 
The  US wants a candidate that would always arbitrate in its favour and push its agenda. 
Also recall that in 2012, the United States  stood against  Okonjo-Iweala when she sort to occupy the position of   President of the World Bank.  The US  then also prefered the candidacy of  South Korea’s Ms Yoo who the US saw as a better ally who would be more attuned to its global agenda. 

Okonjo-Iweala is also accused of being a globalist. Under President Trump, the US has played the politics of isolationism, unilateralism and a recourse to bilateralism on its own terms to the exclusion of the rest of the world, this policy it wants to continue by having a firm grip of the WTO. 

I also think there is a racist sub-text to this: Trump has opposed every multilateral institution led by Africans: WHO and the AfDB are most recent examples.
Will the US have its way with its new antics and calls for a fresh elections to fill the vacant position of WTO?

I don’t think so, because it would be a shame for one country no matter how powerful to push through its secret agenda when all others have elected Ngozi Okonjo Iweala as the DG of the World Trade Organisation,.