
12 Effective Ways to Quit Smoking

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Unarguably, Smoking poses threat to the body, reports have it that many have died of lung cancer as a result of smoking. Moreover, cigarettes packs read ‘smokers are liable to die young’

So, if you are considering getting rid of tobacco addiction, here are effective ways on how to go about it:

1. Setting a Date
It is important to keep yourself accountable if you are serious about quitting. Setting a final date when you will definitely stop smoking is important. Always saying, “I’ll quit someday soon” will lead to even deeper levels of the addiction, while making excuses only weakens your resolve in future quitting attempts.

2. Avoiding Triggers
There are many personal triggers for smoking, such as hanging out in certain places, or with certain people, as well as activities like driving with the windows open or hanging out on your front porch. For the first month or two of quitting, do your best to avoid these triggers, as they will only make it easier to fall back into bad habits.

3. Meditation and Relaxation
Some people have found success in eliminating tobacco addiction with meditation, yoga, and other relaxation techniques. This can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and fill your time and attention with something beneficial for your body and mind.

4. Chewing Gum
Tobacco addiction can often be linked to an oral fixation, and the lack of something to chew on or put in your mouth may make a relapse into smoking much easier. Keeping chewing gum (or nicotine gum) in your pocket and having a stick whenever the craving for cigarette arises can help you fight the temptation.

5. Exercise
Physical activity is difficult for heavy smokers, so after quitting, joining a gym or setting up a workout routine can be very helpful. You will initially struggle, as the damage to your lungs and body might be severe after years of smoking. However, as you see your capacity and strength increase, the idea of smoking (and impairing your physical ability) will seem much less attractive!

6. Stop Buying Cigarettes
As simple as this sounds, if you simply refuse to buy any more cigarettes, it will help you quit! Some people want to have a backup pack in case they “really need one”, but that will only lengthen your habit and make it more difficult to quit for good.

7. Saving Money
Cigarettes are very expensive in some parts of the world, so saving all of the money you would have spent on cigarettes can be a compelling way to stay strong. If you smoke a pack a day, put the cost of a pack of cigarettes in a glass jar where you will see it every day. Saving that money will be an extra motivating factor not to go back to the habit.

8. Sleep
Exhaustion and fatigue can wear down your willpower and make it easier to fall back into negative habits. In the weeks and months after you quit, get a proper amount of sleep, as your body will feel rested, and the idea of a cigarette in the morning will hopefully be unpleasant.

9. Hydration
It is important to stay hydrated and keep your energy levels up when you quit smoking. Your body will be undergoing certain physiological changes in the months after you quit, so be sure to drink enough water, and promote the healing process. You also want to feel the positive change of not smoking, so staying at optimal health in other ways is important!

10. Attitude
Having a positive attitude towards your decision to quit is crucial for a permanent elimination of tobacco addiction. Remind yourself of how far you’ve come, and what a great achievement it is to have quit for one day, one month, or a whole year. Maintaining a positive attitude and remembering all the benefits of not smoking will keep you on a smoke-free track.

11. Alcohol and Caffeine
Two of the most common trigger for smoking are alcohol and caffeine; morning cigarettes with coffee and smoking outside in beer gardens seem to be permanent tropes of smoking culture. If you feel like these triggers will send you back to the cigarettes, try to cut back on these lifestyle habits, at least for the first few months after quitting.

12. Nicotine Replacement
If none of these remedies work for you, there are many nicotine replacement therapy options you can try. These include nicotine patches, nicotine gum, nasal sprays, and certain medications. However, some of these options eliminate smoking, but not the addiction to nicotine (at least not right away).

Word of Caution: At times, quitting cannot be done alone. For people with a severe addiction to nicotine or a history of substance abuse or addictive tendencies, professional help is always an option. Doctors and counselors around the world are trained in helping people quit smoking. Furthermore, if your withdrawal side effects are severe, including depression, extended illness, or extreme weight loss/gain, speak to a doctor to ensure that your quitting methods aren’t negatively affecting other areas of your health.

Source: organicfacts.net


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