
7 Types of persons you will meet in the university

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The University is a whole different world of peculiariaties. And these peculiariaties are found in the many people studying in a university. Some of them you’ll meet will become the best friends you won’t like to leave even after graduation. And there are also those you’ll meet and never see again.

Here are the seven types of persons you’ll meet on campus.

1. The class companions
Whether you are a bookworm or the campus party prefect, there will always be those course mates that will advise and try to help you achieve better grades. The class companions are the ones that usually form a study group and invite you to join the group long before exams start.

2. The roommates
Your campus roommates will most likely be your best friend. When you have a good news to share, you’ll probably think of your roommates first. When you have issues to deal with on campus, your roommate is most likely be the first you share it with. They are the campus friends you can’t afford to ignore.

3. The party friends
If you love to party, you’ll meet your fellow party-enthusiasts on campus.

If you love to party, you’ll definitely have these type of friends. They are the ones you only see every weekend at various parties. You receive their calls only when there’s a party to attend somewhere.

4. The hall mates
Living in the same hall will also bring you close to at least one or two hallmates. Unlike your roommates, you might not be seeing each other regularly but striking up an intimacy with a hall mate could make you guys become best of friends.

5. The schooler friend
Every department has these type of students and some course mates like to be around them. They are the campus bookworms and have an almost perfect attendance rate.

6. The social prefect
This is the friend who gives you the latest gist about events and happenings on campus. You can count on them for any information about the best graduating students in each faculty, upcoming concerts on campus, music, fashion and sport. They know it all.

7. The politics/activist friend
If you are interested in politics, you’ll always find these schoolmates useful. They are those you’ll see at the forefront of aluta struggle fighting for other students rights. Their political ambition will bring them close to you and before you know it, you are already a member of their campaign train.

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