
**Christian Council of Nigeria Advocates Anti-Stigma Laws for HIV/AIDS Patients**

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By Daniel Edu

The Christian Council of Nigeria (CCN) has called for the introduction of laws in Nigeria that would penalize the stigmatization of individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Most Rev. David Onuoha, the President of CCN, made this plea during the opening session of a three-day training on HIV self-stigma and life-building skills for vulnerable communities in Abuja. The training, organized by the World Council of Churches in collaboration with CCN, focused on the theme: “Your Mind is a Treasure. Keep it from Negative Ideas.”

Archbishop Onuoha, also the Archbishop of Owerri Anglican Communion, emphasized the need for those affected by HIV/AIDS to assert themselves and continue their lives positively. He stressed the importance of fostering hope and confidence among individuals living with the condition, urging them to draw strength from their faith.

Onuoha highlighted the necessity of enacting laws that would criminalize the stigmatization of people with HIV/AIDS. He emphasized that those living with the virus are equally human and capable of fulfilling their destinies. He dispelled misconceptions, clarifying that HIV/AIDS is neither a divine sentence nor a judgment for sin. He also emphasized that the virus is not infectious through casual contact like handshakes or sharing meals.

Gracia Ross, representing the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Switzerland, discussed the program’s focus on addressing HIV self-stigma among young people. She shared her own experience of living with HIV for 23 years, highlighting that with proper medication and adherence, HIV transmission is preventable. Ross expressed the need to combat stigma and promote understanding through initiatives like the training organized by CCN and WCC, fostering collaboration between the Christian community and young people living with HIV to eradicate self-esteem issues related to the virus.

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