
Kano threatens to prosecute officials diverting relief items

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The Kano State Public Complaints and Anti-Corruption Commission has threatened to prosecute any government official found diverting relief materials for personal use.

The commission’s Chairman, Muhuyi Rimingado, made this known in a statement issued on Tuesday.

According to Rimingado, the commission had received complaints about some local government chairmen involved in the diversion of relief items meant to cushion the effects of lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus in the state.

He said the council chairmen were said to have indulged in sharing the items among their party officials and others believed to be their associates.

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He said the act is contrary to the guidelines which entail that vulnerable people are eligible to benefit from the palliatives.

“Anything contrary to that offends the provision of section 26 of the Public Complaints and Anti-Corruption Commission Law 2008 (As Amended).

“It is worthy of note that these palliatives are donations from individuals and organisations aimed at reducing the sufferings of the most vulnerable members of the society irrespective of their religion or political inclination.

“It is not in any way a personal property that can be used for political purposes,” Rimingado said.

He warned that anybody found to have engaged in any shoddy act would face the wrath of the law.

“It is, therefore, hoped that all those involved in the distribution/management of the COVID-19 palliatives in Kano State will be guided by the law,” he said.

Daybreak reports that the commission had last Saturday arrested the Chairman of Kumbotso Local Government Area, Kabiru Panshekara over what it described as an abuse of power in the distribution of relief items.

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