
VC Shettima charges NCPC to advance course of Christian Pilgrimage

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By Joyce Remi-Babayeju

Vice President of the nation, Kashim Shettima has charged the newly inaugurated Board of the Nigerian Christian Pilgrims Commission, NCPC, to ensure promotion of the course of Christian Pilgrimage in Nigeria.

Shettima gave this charge on Tuesday at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, when he formally inaugurated the NCPC Board.

The Vice President enjoined members of the Board to work closely and in synergy as a team to advance the cause of Christian Pilgrimage in Nigeria.

He also promised to support the Commission in all ramifications in the realization of its statutory mandate of achieving smooth airlift of Nigerian Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land.
He stated that the place of faith is very critical in fostering the unity of Nigeria, adding that Nigeria is what it is because we are the nation of God.”

The Vice President further emphasized that inter – faith harmony is the ultimate priority of President Bola Ahmed TInubu led administration and would do everything humanly possible to achieve it.
He noted that Nigeria would remain a home for all, through inter – faith harmony, dialogue, peace, and love that would enable the country to emerge more as a united entity.

” We will make sure that each person in Nigeria practices his or her faith with ease, he promised.

He reiterated that the occasion comes with a promise that no citizen of Nigeria will be prioritized over the other.

Shettima advised members of the Board to view their appointments as an opportunity to serve humanity.

He said, ” we are confident that you will not let our people down.”

According to him,” what binds us together as a people supersedes what divides us , thus wherever Nigeria goes, that is where Africa goes.”

He explained that once there is equity, fair play and justice in the board, the entire Christendom would be better for it .”

Earlier, the new Chairman of NCPC, Rt.Rev. Cletus Gotan thanked the Vice President on behalf of the board for his unalloyed support and for the overt interest he has shown in the affairs of the Commission.
He told the Vice President that the composition of the board is such that men and women of integrity had been carefully chosen to serve in the board.

” We appreciate the interest of your government in sponsoring Christians pilgrimage to the holy land”, and pledged that his board would certainly leave NCPC better than they met it.

The Executive Secretary Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission, Bishop Stephen Adegbite also appreciated the effort and support of the Vice President since the inception of the new board of NCPC.
” Your support for our board is fantastic and fabulous”.
He said,” with the support of the Vice President and Mr. President “we will rejoice. We are not going to disappoint God, we are not going to disappoint you”.
Members of the NCPC board were appointed by President Bola Ahmed TInubu on 4th January 2024.

Members of the board include the Chairman and the Executive Secretary, six members representing each geopolitical zones, six ex- official members representing some relevant Ministries, Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN and Central Bank of Nigeria.

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