What is Nigeria’s National Strategic Interest?

The title of the piece is crucial as a question whether Nigeria my beloved country have what it considered Nigeria’s national strategic interest? Several years after independent from British colonialist, the Nigerian authority is yet to priorities the national strategic interests. How can the entire nations see the need to front a Nigerian’s national strategic interest?

However, it sorry to say that the panic, dislocation and grooming climate of fear in the country are attributed directly to the inept official showing and lost love concerns for National strategic interest in commending height sectors such as education, Energy, Health, infrastructure, security, workers welfare, Agriculture and others.

Thus, the danger that unofficial groups, whether recognize or not, at the corridor of power we regard them as the Nigerian Ruling Elites, dictates initiative directions on state policy to the government, thereby compounding the problems. It is on record that this groups of Nigerians owns and controls several economy sectors from Banks, oil and gas, media, higher institution and as well as foundation that sponsors Civil Society Organization and Non governmental organization,

The nation is certainly under pressure to not have a national strategic interest, especially with the grips on its soul by both internal sabotage forces and external collaborators. In retrospect, all through from the time of independence there were development plans before 1960 and after independence, with schemes of colonial interest.

However, the military government starting from Gen. Yakubu Gowon ruled Nigeria from August 2, 1966 to July 29, 1975. In 1974, he announced a third five year National Development plan, dream of a Nigeria transformation into Paradise, to be implemented from 1975 – 1780.Today, 49 years later, Nigeria remains a misery on earth.

Olusegun Obasanjo, another military head of state, ruled Nigeria from February 13, 1976 to October 1, 1979. His government announced promises for future prosperity economic and agricultural revolution for Food self sufficiency. Today, 42 years later we know better.

Then came Alhaji Shehu Shagari, the first President of Nigeria 1979 to 1983.Allegation of corruption and embezzlement of public funds was synonymous with the administration before the military butt them out on the same allegations.

Major Gen.Muhammadu Buhari and Brigadier Tunde Idiagbon military regime overthrow Alhaji Shehu Shagari government. The military junta came with the policy of discipline as Nigerian according to them were people of indiscipline. They rule with a deep sense of inculcating responsible citizens but messed it up with their high handed against media and nonchalant toward the human rights cost the regime it places in Nigeria political history. Their reins ended in 1985.

Ibrahim Babangiga ruled Nigeria from August 27, 2985 to August 27, 1993 his government penchants for Structural Adjustment Policy (SAPs). SAP was beautiful on paper, Orthodox economic blueprints and capitalist life wire. The structural Adjustment Policy of IBB simply did not work. It left Nigerians impoverished, national assets devalued and striping and sacking workers. Even at the General IBB at 80 years of Age, and in a recent interview with Arise TV, the IBB still holds on to what he, his military lieutenants and Civil servants told Nigerians then that SAP was the only road to greatness and comfort.

Then came Gen. Sani military rule from November 17, 1993 to June 8, 1988. He saw a vision for Nigeria, Vision 2010.according to that Vision; the year 2020 was to be the year of developmental pinnacle for Nigeria. We are now in the year 2021, even when that same vision 2020 was repackaged by fourth republic politicians as vision 20-2020. But nothing has changed under the aforementioned military government. Nigerians were promised a brighter future and transformation into paradise, but here we are.

Chief Olusegun Obasanjo returned in 1999 as civilian president. All promises of better days for Nigerians was colored with ineptitude of  his administration, even has it thinks over third term desire, Nigerians up roared that was aborted.,

Musa Yar’Adua took over from Obasanjo in 2007, though confessed that the election that brought him to power was fraudulent. This compels him to initiate the Election Reform Ushering Electoral Acts 2010, since gone through some amendments in recently, with his own controversies “electronic transmission or no electronic transfer of election result”. Yar’Adua administration seven point agenda was laudable in paper but not different from usual Nigerian state policy reversal scenario; although death cut short the life span of Yar’Adua given space for Goodluck to complete the remaining 2 years of the administration.

Goodluck Jonathan won the 2011 presidential election. Initiated the Transformation Agenda that remains a Jamboree and funfair. The Transformation Agenda was riddled with corruption; money was being through to every problem without result or resolving the problems. Terrorism and insurgency gained attention.

Then came the change of Mantra of the Buhari administration. Insecurity from Terrorism and insurgency graduated to banditry and kidnapping for ransom. Fundamentally, nothing has changed, for the better Nigerians. Food prices keep surging high, Government is ineffective and corrupt. That is why it is forging a Nigerian National strategic interest. Put the blame on the door steps of politicians and people in government alone. What more can we say of his administration is not far from the same tale story of the more you see the less you can understand. From a sociological perspective the Nigerian society is also guilty. Our moral standard has deteriorated to an abysmal level. Our case for a way forward and that is a clarion call to all Nigerians to be analytical and engage the government the most. The matter at state goes to you either or chart Nigeria must rise. What actually is our nation’s strategic interest?