
A’Ibom hospital records milestones with brain, open heart surgeries

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By Samuel Ogenyi, Uyo 

Authorities of Ibom Multi-Specialty Hospital, a quaternary medical  facility in Akwa Ibom say it has in recent weeks recorded significant milestones in brain, spinal cord  and other critical surgeries that pushed  Nigerians to spend millions abroad.

Speaking with newsmen in Uyo weekend, the Chief Medical Director,CMD, Prof Emmanuel Ekanam said the recent extraction of brain turmoil through a patient’s nostrils has indeed proven that what hitherto took many on medical tourism could be achieved  in Nigeria.

Ekanam who spoke through Dr Udeme Ekrikpo, a Consultant Physician and Nephrologist, and Adjunct Director of Clinical Services and Training, Ibom Multi-Specialty Hospital said the recently treated  patient came  with a turmoil in the pituitary gland.

“We have done a wide range of brain and spinal cord surgeries in the last one month, starting from simple things like putting in a shunt for people that have increased pressure in the brain, to advanced surgeries like brain turmoil. So the most recent was a patient that came in with a turmoil in the pituitary gland.

“That turmoil sits in the base of the brain, we didn’t have to open up the brain, so the experts that did the surgery went through the nostrils into the brain,  got the whole turmoil out  If an individual wants to do that kind of surgery abroad you are talking about a minimum of N6,000,000, but the patient paid less than N3,000,000”. Ekanem explained.

To further expand medical expertise in the Hospital, the CMD said that  the  state government recently set up a digital theatre which would allow specialists have live interactions with other specialists in their fields while carrying out a critical surgery, an approach, he said would allow the best hands to contribute from wherever they may be and also decongest the theatre.

Ekanem who also used the forum to announce preparedness to set up cardiac catheterization laboratory in a month’s time said such would allow people with blocked arteries in the heart, which  usually causes  “heart attack”  to have easy access to medical care. 

“With this laboratory, we will now be able to sort out the rising incidences of heart attack and deaths in this part of the country.  We have all the equipment here.  Heart conditions in babies would kill some before their fifth birthday. They are not uncommon in this part of the world.  

“Especially one that has to do with having a hole between the two chambers that we call ventricles, this one usually requires heart surgery.

“October last year, we had a team from the US here who came to do open heart surgery for babies who were born with congenital heart defect and the exercise was extremely successful. We had ten babies who had their hearts opened, and all the equipment used were equipment owned by this hospital, it was  fantastic.” He said.

The Medical Director assures Nigerians and beyond that the facility is enriched with world-class medical equipment and delivery suites enriched with cardiotocography machines to monitor strength of contractions, continuous monitor to check blood pressure, transport incubator and neo-natal intensive care unit. 

“We also offer epidural options of delivery for those who may need such and we have the best laboratory  in the whole of South South Nigeria.

“We can run 108 chemistry samples in 15 minutes.  Everything is automated. We also ensure we have backup for all the equipment. So we don’t have down- times. We are even looking for large volume samples . 

“We are looking forward to a system where all the hospitals around would form a network with this hospital, with good ambulance and good reference systems that can move patients and samples.” Ekanem said.

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