
Buhari Receives Ganduje, Delegation From Tijjaniya Movement

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President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday, received the Governor of Kano State, Abdullahi Umar Ganduje and a delegation of Tijjaniya movement (worldwide) led by the Grand Khalifah, Tidjani Ali Bin Arabi at the State House, Abuja.

During the meeting, the PreBuhari sident touched on security, among other issues, noting that he is confident that the nation will overcome the prevailing situation of insecurity.

He noted that his administration is well aware of its responsibility with regards to security and will continue to do its best.

The President urged Nigerians to be fair to his government in assessing the security issue in the country by reflecting on what obtained at the time he took over in 2015, and the successes as well as performance which mark a decisive break from the past, particularly in the Northeast and the South-South, adding that the Northwest which had given the nation some “headache” will experience a turnaround for the better.

He also urged citizens to take responsibility and show interest in the affairs of their own security and complement what the government is doing, saying that “we have done our best and we will continue to do more by pursuing coherent and consistent policies to deal with terrorism. I hope God will listen to our prayers.”

Turning to Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, the Governor of Kano State who brought the Grand Khalifa to Nigeria, President Buhari said: “We thank you for inviting them to come to pray for peace and stability in our country. We are grateful that they agreed to come.”

He joined them in praying that God will give guidance and strength to leaders to be accountable and do right in all things that they do.

While introducing the Khalifa and his delegation, which included the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero and Sheikh Dahiru Usman Bauchi, the leader of the Tijjaniyya Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Governor Ganduje said the government of Kano State invited the Tijjaniyya World Leader to the country to lead the faithful in prayer considering the complexities around security in particular.

He said the visit of the Grand Khalifa had also rekindled the old ties between the Tijjaniya and the many cultural and educational institutions in Nigeria.

The Tijjaniyya leader in the country, Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi and the Grand Khalifa, Tidjani Ali Bin Arabi extolled the existing cordial relations between Nigeria and Algeria and prayed for guidance and blessings for the country and its leaders.

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