Ewa’s Thoughts in Words

Hi readers! Welcome to my page, “My Thoughts in Words.” The idea behind this page stems from the recognition that as humans, our thoughts are constantly working. Some of such works are extremely beneficial to humanity and when we leave them bottled inside, we lose the benefits. Through this platform, I hope to put down my thoughts and workings of my mind as a reminder to you readers that we’re in this together. I really feel excited to be able to share my thoughts with you via this platform. Today’sthoughts is entitled ‘Keep Moving’.

Keep Moving…

Stuck in here with a thousand thoughts racing through my mind, I just can’t stop wondering how unfair, unjust and so cruel life can be!

Fighting everyday and struggling all the time with nothing…

Day in, day out, life continuously and challengingly makes its deadly moves on me.

I have to make choices every now and then, choices that have the capacity of a life time change.

Blindly but surely, life’s journey is continuous. Whether we know it or not, we are only living a script like in the movies… Nothing comes by chance not even our sweet existence.

The world is like a book, the stories there a representation of us all in our various functions and characters. The author is God who alone remains the unbeatable writer of all times.

Baffled by grace, the knowledge of  losing, a terrifying experience no one wants to deal.

I crave for peace, the noise of my thoughts will not permit… striving still in every step to the right direction I tirelessly seek.

Sometimes I’m weak and broken on the inside.

Other times I am lost in my frailty and permeability, making obvious my frustration and disappointments.

In life, some suffer less, others suffer longer in trying to stick to the truth and  do what is right. Whatever the time may be, I am at that juncture, where I feel stuck, really stuck, to thoughts, to ideas, to what is and what should have been. That juncture, where everything seems right except having to deal with life and its deadly blows that never cease taking its toll everyday in different ways. Staying happy becomes a luxury, for happiness is a path that life scarcely holds.

I keep holding, I keep trusting, I keep pushing, I keep hoping and believing that determination pays. I keep thinking that with strong will and good spiritedness, we can change our script not in the real sense of the book but on the stage where our characters are represented, hoping that for once our hearts win this battle that goes on within. It keeps tearing, it keeps stabbing and scarring our minds with its wars and woes of different tales of the life once conceived and  perceived as the answer to all troubles and tears of pain and betrayals.

Gradually, the wind of passion is blown out! The fire of hope is lost and I just can’t stop moving… because that’s what people do, they just keep moving!!!