
Gov. Ishaku SSA, voluntarily resigned Appointment

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By Hassan Ishaku, Jalingo.

The sacked Senior Special Assistant to the Taraba state Governor, Darius Dickson Ishaku, Hon. Usman Sa’adu Sambo on Wednesday has rejected the press statement issued in Jalingo by the senior special adviser on Media and publicity to Governor Darius Dickson Ishaku, Mr. Bala Dan-Abu that he was sacked from office.

Speaking with Journalists in Jalingo over the press statement that he was sacked from office, Usman Sa’adu said, he personally wrote to Governor Darius Ishaku on the 31st/12/2021 that he was no longer interested to work with him as his SSA.

“On the 31s/12/2021, I wrote to the governor through the Secretary to the State Government, SSG, Hon Anthony Jallason that I was resigning of my appointment as his SSA.

While waiting for his response, today Wednesday the 5th/01/2022, I recieved a call that I was sacked” he said.

He noted that after written to Governor Ishaku through the SSG, he proceeded to his ward Chairman in Sintali ward and informed him that he was quiting the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for his former party, the All Progressive Congress (APC).

He stressed that he joined the PDP in Taraba because of late Sen. Aisha Jummai Alhassan who was in 2015 victimised by the party at the national level.

“As you can see, they was no single reason spelt out for sacking me, I worked with governor Ishaku whole heartedly and I choosed to return to my former party, the Apc without any issues” he said.

He called on Tarabans and his teaming supporters to disregard the purported press statement.

“They just want to spoil my political career that I have built for years.

And I must make the point clear that I wrote and informed the governor through his SSG that I was leaving his government” he clarified.

He explained that he has already obtained a membership card from the ruling All Progressive Congress Apc in Taraba state.

He informed that he did his registration with the All Progressive Congress Apc on the 2st/ 01/2021 respectively

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