How lime positively affects your body

Just like many things in the world today, lime is consumed both as food and can be used for a variety of health treatment purposes. Over the years, lime has continuously proven to be of great benefit to the world at large and some of the areas where it can be put to use include:

Skin: When it is applied to the skin, lime juice possesses acids that are healthy and that aid in the removal of dead cells from the skin. It also allows the build up of collagen, helping in rejuvenating the texture and the health of the skin. Lime contains vitamin C that fights against infections and provides remedy for rashes, pimples, bruises and so on. It inhibits the growth of microbial organisms that are found in nutritional flavonoids that can be found in lime. It is good to apply lime to wrinkles as it has anti-oxidant and astringent features that can cause reduction of wrinkles, take away dark spots and etc. For body odour issues, addition of lime into bathing water can help in the reduction of the odour.
Managing Blood Sugar Level: There are high levels of soluble fiber present in lime and this aids in the regulation of the sugar absorption in the blood. This is amazing for diabetic patients as sugar spike occurrences which are a great threat to the patients is reduced. Limes as well as other citrus fruits will not allow any significant rise in the glucose level as a result of their low glycemic levels.

Anti-Cancer: Lime has great potentials of fighting against cancer. Limes has been said to be possibly used for cancer therapy and this is because of its ability to reduce the oxidative stress. Lime contains antioxidant phytochemicals such as flavonoids, flavones, triterpenoid and so on. All of which have the ability to fight cancer. They can each stop the growth of the cancer cells and in some cases can completely destroy the cancer cells.

Relief from Gout: Gout is caused by the excessive accumulation of radicals and toxins in the body system and a primary toxin is the uric acid. Limes contains enough antioxidants, vitamin C, and flavonoids to fight this disease.

Relief from Piles: Also Lime can help to provide relief from piles. It has the ability to heal ulcer as well as wounds in both the digestive system and the excretory system.Pile is very dangerous and can cause bleeding and discomfort during excretion. Lime can prevent the formation of this disease and the possibility of it occurring again.

Cholera: There is a constituent in lime called flavonol glycosides which yields antibiotic properties that helps to protect the body system from all sorts of bacteria and microbes and this includes Vibrio cholera. When lime juiceis added to water that has been infected with this microorganism, it begins to work effectively as a disinfectant. The regular consumption of lime by the patients that have been exposed to the disease can help to rid their body system of the effect of the disease.