Jidena reveals his intentions in searching for a wife in recent tweet

Jidenna , a Nigerian born US singer has  made an announcement on  social media that he is ready to leave bachelorhood because he is looking for a wife.

In a tweet he shared, Jidenna expressed his believe in all forms of marriage, be it monogamy or polygamy, almost as if to hint that he might end up a polygamist.

He also expressed his believe for non-traditional marriage which in other words could mean same sex marriage.

He tweeted:

“If believe in monogamy. I believe in polyamory. I believe in marriage. I believe in non-traditional union. There are agreements & compromises to be made in every relationship. Most of all, I believe in Love & Honesty as the foundation. I’m looking for wifey…”

One of those who posted to be a candidate for his search is Lydia Forson, a dark-skinned Ghanaian actress who threw a subtle shot at him as seen below.

Miss Forson


Love & Honesty ❤️ https://twitter.com/jidenna/status/1163797044508667904 



I believe in monogamy. I believe in polyamory. I believe in marriage. I believe in non-traditional union. There are agreements & compromises to be made in every relationship. Most of all, I believe in Love & Honesty as the foundation. I’m looking for wifey…