
Kogi No Longer Haven For Criminals says Gov Ododo

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By Noah Ocheni, Lokoja

Gov. Ahmed Ododo of Kogi has warned that Kogi state is no longer a hidden place for criminals, warning criminal elements to stay away from the state.

Ododo gave the warning as part of his Sallah message speaking to the people of the state whie observing his Eid-el-Kabir prayer on Sunday at Okene Eid Praying ground.

The governor noted that the perpetrators behind the kidnapped students of Confluence University of Science and Technology (CUSTECH), Osara, came to test his administration’s capacity, but faced the consequences.

“They have come and they have seen the results; if they to come in their numbers they will go back in their zeros. I can tell you, they will never try it again,” Ododo stated.

The governor noted that they were able to rescue 29 out of the 31 kidnapped CUSTECH students, but unfortunately two were killed, and prayed God to rest their souls and comfort their families .

Reacting to the prompt payment of workers salaries, Ododo said government was doing what it should do for its citizens and not doing the people any favour adding that when civil servants are happy, they will put their best.

Ododo appreciated the President for all his efforts in rebuilding and taking the nation out of the inherited economic crisis, noting that Tinubu’s efforts was already yielding results.

He, therefore urged Nigerians to continue to support Mr President and key into all his programmes and policies under his Renewed Hope initiative for the betterment of the nation.

The governor admonished the people to use the sallah celebration to remember the less privileged among them and extend their hands of kindness and support to them.

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