
Photos: Labour Ministers Conduct Familiarization Visit to NSITF Headquarters

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Minister of Labour and Employment, Simon Bako Lalong, along with Minister of State, Nkeiruka Onyeajeocha, embarked on a familiarization visit to the Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) in Abuja.


During their visit, NSITF’s Managing Director/CEO, Maureen Allagoa, highlighted the organization’s accomplishments under her leadership in ensuring prompt compensation for Nigerian workers. Despite compliance challenges among contributors, NSITF has improved synergy and collaboration to fulfill its mandate.

Allagoa emphasized that as a non-revenue generating organization, NSITF has introduced several schemes to address the social needs of Nigerian workers in accordance with Nigerian and ILO protocols.

Minister Simon Bako Lalong praised NSITF’s management for their dedication to achieving organizational objectives. He pledged the Ministry’s support in delivering President’s

Renewed Hope Agenda for Nigerian workers.

The Minister acknowledged receiving briefings on successes, challenges, and internal/external complaints, including irregular promotions, court cases, disharmony, alleged unfair practices, and insubordination. He assured that a committee would be formed to address these issues fairly and equitably, restoring confidence, harmony, and productivity.

The visit concluded with the Ministers touring the NSITF headquarters.

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