
Plateau Governor Mutfwang express grief over attacks in Heipang ,Mangu

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Urges security personnel to fish out perpetrators

By Israel Adamu,Jos

Plateau State Governor, Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang on Thursday said he is deeply saddened by the bloody attack that claimed several lives in the Heipang community of Barkin-Ladi Local Government Area.

He also strongly condemns the recent attacks in some villages in Mangu Local Government Area where more lives were lost.

In a press statement signed by Bere Gyang his Director of press and public affairs ,Governor Mutfwang appealed to security agencies to redouble their efforts and put an end to the senseless killings of innocent people in the rural communities of Mangu and Barkin-Ladi.

He described the deteriorating security situation in some parts of the state as unfortunate and called for greater collaboration between community leaders and security agencies to prevent further attacks.

Governor Mutfwang emphasized the importance of peace and unity among all citizens, regardless of faith or ethnicity, for the development and growth of the state.

He expressed his sympathy for the affected communities and families of the deceased, assuring them of government’s commitment to addressing the issues.

Governor Mutfwang prayed for comfort for the grieving people of Heipang and Mangu and urged them to make use of the security and information center activated by the state government to communicate security information for prompt intervention.

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