
Senator Laah extol virtues of New Atyap Community President

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… Say’s he’s emergence will  translate to progress

By Gabriel Udeh, Gabriel

Senator representing Southern Kaduna at the National Assembly, Senator Danjumah La’ah has said that he’s proud to have hosted the new President of the Atyap Community Development Association (ACDA), Comrade Dr. Silas Adamu to a Civic reception at Kafanchan.

Senator La’ah, expressed this in his remarks at the Civic Reception, held on Saturday at the Wonderland Hotel, Kafanchan.

According to him, Comrade Adamu is a shinning light and he is optimistic that his emergence will translate to progress for Atyapland.

“I have known Comrade Adamu for long and know his antecedents. I am optimistic that his tenure will bring good news to our people,” he said.

Speaking further, he called on all Atyaps  and by extension, Southern Kaduna to unite in protecting their interests.

In his remarks, Comrade Adamu reassured of the commitment of his led executives to bring lasting peace and prosperity to Atyapland.

He tasked all to embrace peace and brotherliness within their community.

“We need to remind ourselves that first of all, we are all humans, who came out of the loins of one man, Adam, who we all have been born to acknowledge as the first son of God through creation,” he said.

“Though this is a noble gesture, it calls for sober reflection, owing to the fact that lives are being lost in Atyapland, as a result of senseless killings, mainly resulting from misunderstandings within brothers which could be resolved through patience and dialogue.

Speaking further, he said any news of unrest in Atyapland unsettles him.

“My heart bleeds whenever news of attacks and counter attacks in our community reach me.

“I become troubled, body spirit and soul and become engrossed in deep thinking as to what is the way out of this quagmire,” he said.

Notable dignitaries spotted at the reception, include Agwatyap, Sir Dominic, Zangon-Kataf LGA, Dr. Mamza Elias, representative of Medical Health Workers Union of NIgeria (MHWUN) from all over Nigeria, representatives of  Tsaunin Kura GRA Residents Association (Sabo GRA), Elder Tagwai Emmanuel, Daniel Meltu, Jonah Adua Kure and Okpani Jacob Onjewu Dickson.

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