
With prayers Nigeria will overcome her challenges- NCPC boss

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By Joyce Remi-Babayeju

In a new year message, the Executive Secretary of Nigeria Christian Pilgrim Commission, NCPC, Rev. Yakubu Pam has said that a sure for the country to overcome it’s security and COVID-19 challenges is with the prayers of the Saints.

This was contained in a press release signed by Celestine Toruka, 

Head Media and Public Relations NCPC and made available to Daybreak today.

According to the release Rev Pam urged Church leaders to work closely with the Government in order to bring the dividends of  democracy to the people.

He prayed that Nigeria would bounce back economically this year because the Lord rules in the affairs of this great nation.

The Reverend also said that the COVID-19 pandemic COVID 19 pandemic would be contained globally this year and commended the Presidential Task Force on COVID 19 pandemic for their selfless and untiring efforts at mitigating the spread of the Virus in the country.

Meanwhile he commended the Nigeria Armed Forces for their gallantry efforts at combating the menace of insurgency, particularly in the North East and North West. 

He posited that Nigeria would continue to play a leading role in Africa and in Sub- Saharan Africa, considering its numerical strength and abundance natural endowment.

The NCPC Chief Executive tasked Nigerians to look up to God this year and pray for those in authority at all times so that they would be able to provide quality leadership for this nation.

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