
Iworiso-Markson condemns killing of PDP supporter during primary

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Amgbare Ekaunkumo,Yenagoa

A leading aspirant for the Ogbia Federal Constituency ticket of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Daniel Iworiso-Markson, has condemned the murder of one Michael Isaiah alias tompolo during the primary election of the party in Ogbia.

Iworiso-Markson in a statement released in Yenagoa, said the killing of Isaiah was barbaric and sad, stating that nobody’s life is worth taken for any political office.

He called on security agents to go after the killers and their desperate sponsors, insisting that those responsible must not go unpunished.

The former Commissioner for Information while expressing deep sadness over the incident, commiserated with the family of the deceased and assured them that justice will be served in the matter.

According to him “violence is not our culture. Personally I do not subscribe to violence. That is why all through my consultations and reach out with stakeholders and delegates I made it clear that I will not do anything to undermine the peace and unity in Ogbia.

“It is indeed very sad and I call on security agents to do everything possible to arrest and prosecute those behind it. I also sympathize with the bereaved families over this unavoidable loss”.

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